Best Way to Make Delicious Chilli Paneer

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Chilli Paneer You can easy and quick brew Chilli Paneer using 13 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you to cook this.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Chilli Paneer :

  1. make ready 1 Pk of Paneer cut into cubes.
  2. You need 1 tsp of cumin powder.
  3. make ready 2 Tbs of tomato sauce.
  4. make ready 1 Tbs of sweet chilli sauce.
  5. Set 1 Tbs of soy sauce.
  6. Set 1 Tbs of hot chilli sauce.
  7. You need 1-2 of chillies sliced.
  8. Set 1 of onion sliced.
  9. You need 3 Tbs of cornflour.
  10. It's of Oil fir cooking.
  11. make ready touches of Sesame oil for finishing.
  12. Set of Freshly chopped coriander.
  13. It's of Mixed pepper cut into cubes (optional).

Chilli Paneer preparation of

  1. In a bowl mix paneer cubes with cornflour. In a pan add some oil, shallow fry the coated paneer. Turn on every sides to allow golden all over. Remove and set aside..
  2. In the same pan, add a little oil and shallow fry the peppers and dry until golden, remove set aside..
  3. In a small bowl mix the cooking sauces as listed above..
  4. In the same frying pan sautee the onion. Now add the sauce and the sliced chilli to the onion..
  5. Taking care as it will spot as soon as the chilli sauce mix hit the pan, with a fiery smoke of chillies..
  6. Add the paneer, peppers (if using) to the sauce. Add some water to bind the ingredients together as well as to create a sauce..
  7. Give it all a good mix. Taste for seasoning and adjust..
  8. Drizzle with sesame oil. Turn heat off. Serve with more sliced chillies and chopped coriander..
  9. Enjoy with your preferred accompaniment of your choice..

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