Best Way to Make Appetizing Simple Beef noodles

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Simple Beef noodles You can easy and quick cooker Simple Beef noodles using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. after this how you to make ready this.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Simple Beef noodles :

  1. Prepare 500 g of Beef sirloin (or other part with a bit fat).
  2. Set 6-8 of Star anise.
  3. Set 1-1.5 cup of Soy sauce (180-240ml).
  4. It's 2 cup of Water.
  5. It's 6 tsp of Cooking wine (30ml).
  6. It's 3 of Spring onion.
  7. Prepare 3 of Poi choy.
  8. make ready 2 tsp of Chili paste, chili peppers (optional for spicy taste).
  9. Prepare of Ramen noodles (depends on how much you want).
  10. Set of Salt, white peppers and black peppers for taste.

Simple Beef noodles preparation of

  1. Chop beef into cubes.
  2. Slice all Poi choy.
  3. Cut spring oinions in half (separate green part and white part), and dice the white part, mince the green part.
  4. Put star anise, Soy sauce, cooking wine, water, white diced spring onion, beef all in a pot.
  5. Slow cook all ingredient for 20-30 mins (if you have rice cooker will be easier).
  6. Put noodles and Poi choy in the pot and cook for another 5-8 min.
  7. Salt, peppers, chili peppers in for taste, and add green minced spring onion, turn off the fire put the lid on for another 2-3 min.
  8. Enjoy your beef noodles.

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