Recipe: Yummy Drunk Chicken Breasts

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Drunk Chicken Breasts You can easy and quick concoct Drunk Chicken Breasts using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Next how you to make ready this.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Drunk Chicken Breasts :

  1. Set 2 of chicken breasts, no skin, no bone.
  2. It's 6 of roma tomatoes.
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  4. make ready 1/2 tbsp of herb mix (if you have Penzey's "Mural of Flavor", use that, it works wonders! -- plus it eliminates the need for salt).
  5. Prepare 1 tsp of garlic powder.
  6. You need 3 of cloves.
  7. You need 2 of bay leaves.
  8. Set to taste of pepper.
  9. Set 1 cup of white cooking wine.
  10. Prepare 1/2 cup of peach flavored wine cooler.

Drunk Chicken Breasts instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Wash and dice the tomatoes, place them in your baking pan..
  2. Add oil, herb mix, garlic powder, cloves, bay leaves, and pepper..
  3. Place chicken breasts on top..
  4. Pour wine and wine cooler into the pan. It should just barely cover the chicken..
  5. Place in oven and cook for half an hour..
  6. Serve with a neutral starch, such as white rice, boiled potatoes or polenta. It will help soak up the juices. Those juices!!!.

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