Recipe: Delicious Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste)

Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste) - this is recipe you're looking for? Please look at the menu list to choose the recipe and beverage you want to try.

Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste) You can easy and quick concoct Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste) using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. then how you to cook this.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste) :

  1. make ready 400 ml of beef stock.
  2. Set 50 g of beef(cooked).
  3. Set 4 of tomatoes.
  4. Set 1/2 of onion.
  5. It's 1 of small potatoe.
  6. Prepare 6 of olive.
  7. Prepare 1 tablespoon of barley.
  8. Prepare 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.
  9. It's of salt and pepper.

Tomato Beef Soup (Soy Sauce Taste) preparation of

  1. Fry beef and cook in rice cooker at low temperature (keeping warm) for about half day..
  2. Fry onion and put vegetables and beef (50g) in beef stocks..
  3. Put olives and barley and cook until barley soften. Season with soy sauce and salt pepper..
  4. 😊 Enjoy ❣️💕.

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