How to Make Tasty Persian Spinach & ground beef frittata

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Persian Spinach & ground beef frittata You can easy and quick cooking Persian Spinach & ground beef frittata using 11 ingredients and 22 steps. then how you to achieve this.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Persian Spinach & ground beef frittata :

  1. Prepare 200 g of spinach.
  2. It's 300 g of minced beef.
  3. You need 1 of large grated onoin.
  4. Prepare 4 of Potatoes.
  5. It's 7 of whole eggs.
  6. Set 3 tbsp of walnuts, chopped.
  7. make ready 2 tbsp of barberrie (zereshk).
  8. make ready of Salt and paprika.
  9. make ready 1 tsp of turmeric.
  10. make ready 1 tsp of baking soda.
  11. It's of Olive oil.

Persian Spinach & ground beef frittata step by step

  1. Put your minced beef in a big bowl and add grated onion to the meat. Mix all together..
  2. Heat the oil in the pan, add the meat and fry until browned, set aside.
  3. Cook spinach leaves for 5 minutes..
  4. Cook boil potatoes as well..
  5. Put all cooked ingredients in a food processor and grind them..
  6. In a big bowl, crack the eggs, add all spices,.
  7. And barberries and chopped walnuts..
  8. Mix very well.
  9. Then add ground ingredients and combine all together..
  10. Heat good amount of oil in the pan, and once oil is very hot, pour mixture in pan a.
  11. And allow to fry and cook on medium heat.
  12. Then, flip over and let to cook other side..
  13. You can serve it with rice or with bread, both equally go well..
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  22. Ingredients.

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