Easy Way to Prepare Yummy Asparagus and Duck’s Egg

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Asparagus and Duck’s Egg You can easy and quick cooking Asparagus and Duck’s Egg using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. after that how you to prepare that.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Asparagus and Duck’s Egg :

  1. It's 2 of duck’s eggs.
  2. It's 2 of ramekins salted butter.
  3. Set 1 bunch of fresh asparagus.
  4. You need of Salt.

Asparagus and Duck’s Egg step by step

  1. Put the eggs in a saucepan, cover with water and bring (uncovered) to the boil, then on a rolling simmer for 4-5 minutes..
  2. Warm the butter in the ramekins..
  3. Meanwhile, flex the asparagus so that the hard ends snap off. Use the ends later for soup, if wished. Bring fresh, salted water to a fast boil in a saucepan, put in the asparagus and, as soon as back to the boil, cook for 30-40 seconds maximum. Then remove and plunge the asparagus into a bowl of icy water to arrest their cooking..
  4. Place one egg in an egg cup, a ramekin of butter and half of the asparagus on each of two plates. Enjoy - try dipping the asparagus tips alternately into the melted butter and egg yolk. Add salt to the egg if wished..

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