Recipe: Appetizing Baked Plaice

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Baked Plaice You can easy and quick have Baked Plaice using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you to prepare it.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Baked Plaice :

  1. Set 2 of medium plaice.
  2. Set 1 of generous amount of butter, cut into small chunks.
  3. It's of Drizzle of olive oil.
  4. Set 3 of Bay leaves.
  5. You need 6 sprigs of fresh thyme.
  6. Set to taste of Ground black pepper.
  7. Set to taste of Garlic granules,.
  8. It's to taste of Salt.
  9. It's to taste of Chilli flakes.
  10. It's 2 of tomatos, cut into wedges.

Baked Plaice preparation of

  1. Turn oven to 180c. Rinse the plaice under water then pat dry with kitchen paper. With a sharp knife make a few slits on the skin..
  2. Put the fish skin side up into an oven proof dish then add add the herbs, seasoning then the rest of the fresh ingredients and lastly drizzle with olive oil..
  3. Bake for 25-30 minutes. The skin should be slightly crispy and the meat should come of the bone easily. Best served with boiled baby new potatoes and a salad..

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