Recipe: Tasty Chiken Mushroom Carbonara

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Chiken Mushroom Carbonara You can easy and quick brew Chiken Mushroom Carbonara using 10 ingredients and 9 steps. Next how you to prepare it.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Chiken Mushroom Carbonara :

  1. make ready of garlic.
  2. You need of button mushrooms.
  3. make ready of chicken breast.
  4. You need of unsweetened milk.
  5. Set of all purpose cream.
  6. Set of nutmeg powder.
  7. You need of butter.
  8. You need of salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Prepare of pasta.
  10. Prepare of parmesan cheese.

Chiken Mushroom Carbonara preparation of

  1. Cook pasta per package directions..
  2. Chop garlic and heat pan..
  3. Put half of the butter and saute the garlic for a couple of minutes..
  4. Chop chicken to your desired size and add to the pan. Cook at medium heat for another 3 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add mushrooms and cook for another couple of minutes just before the mushrooms brown..
  5. Add the milk and remaining butter. Bring to a boil..
  6. Turn the heat down and add the cream and nutmeg..
  7. Stir and add parmesan cheese, a teaspoon of salt and pepper. Adjust as desired. Stir until sauce thickens..
  8. Mix pasta with sauce..
  9. Top with parmesan cheese..

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