Recipe: Perfect Pan-fried Trout Fillets

Pan-fried Trout Fillets - this is recipe you're looking for? Please look at the menu list to choose the recipe and beverage you want to try.

Pan-fried Trout Fillets You can easy and quick cook Pan-fried Trout Fillets using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. after that how you to cook that.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Pan-fried Trout Fillets :

  1. It's 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  2. make ready 1 of trout fillet per serving.
  3. You need of Salt (I use Sea Salt).
  4. You need of Ground black pepper.
  5. Set 1 knob of butter per 2 fillets.
  6. It's of Juice of 1/2 lemon per 2 fillets.
  7. Set 1 clove of garlic, crushed, per 2 - 4 fillets.

Pan-fried Trout Fillets step by step

  1. Bring the oil to a medium-high heat in a frying pan..
  2. Wipe each fillet with a clean piece of kitchen paper and lightly season..
  3. Place the trout fillet(s) skin-down in the pan and fry until the skin has turned golden, about 2-3 minutes..
  4. Turn the fillet(s) and continue to fry for 10 - 15 seconds. Turn off the heat..
  5. Add the butter and, once it’s bubbling, spoon it over the fillet(s). Then add the lemon juice and garlic. Spoon the butter, lemon juice and garlic mixture and serve onto pre-warmed plates..
  6. Accompany with side-dishes of your choice..

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