Simple Way to Prepare Yummy Fish Biran

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Fish Biran You can easy and quick concoct Fish Biran using 7 ingredients and 10 steps. then how you to prepare it.

Ingredients that must be prepared for Fish Biran :

  1. Prepare of Fish.
  2. You need of Salt.
  3. Set of Tumeric.
  4. You need 2 of onions.
  5. Prepare of Oil.
  6. It's of Mixed curry powder.
  7. Set of Corriander.

Fish Biran instructions

  1. In a fry pan add quarter tsp salt and quarter tsp Tumeric and 3 tbsp oil.
  2. Add fish standing up and let cook.
  3. Put skin side down after first side is cooked.
  4. In another pan add 2 onions with boiling water and a dash salf salt.
  5. When onions softens mash it up.
  6. Add 1 tsp mixed curry powder to onions and mix. Add corriander..
  7. Add fish to the onion mixture..add more oil on top of needed.
  8. Coat the top layer with the onion mixture and let cook.
  9. Flip fish and coat the bottom with the onion mixture.
  10. Once cooked add corriander to garnish.

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